Monday, March 21, 2016
NSW Government and the Trojan Horse Brigade
At a recent tree rally on Anzac Parade earlier this month many of us felt we had been sold out by those who ought to be protecting our beautiful heritage listed trees on Anzac Parade and Alison Road.
Where was the outraged commentary from Centennial Parklands, or Royal Randwick, or even the City of Sydney, and why had the RSL been so nasty?
And where was the covereage in the Sydney Morning Herald?
Why hadn't this issue been on every front page since the trees had started to be felled?
On reflection I guess the SMH were never going to get too involved given that they are so ridiculously propped up by both the horse-racing industry:
... and the oil industry:
Still notwithstanding the campaign to save the trees was gathering momentum on social media, there was a genuine sense of abandonement.
But the ever-growing revulsion of our New South Wales representatives was totally justified today by Background Briefing's explosive expose of our dodgy government and 'vested' interests.
Acording to Background Briefing's report, that curly scrolly bridge in the above image (the massively controversial Tibby Cotter Cycling and Pedestrian Bridge) turns out to be suitable for vehicles up to 10 tons.
Why, you ask, when to all intents and purposes the bridge was built for pedestrians and cylists?
Well as Background Briefing informed us, it is considered to be highly likely that this massive structure is the early beginnings of a massive underground carpark
The NSW government plans to completely commandeer our public lands and trees to build new stadiums and to create sporting precincts even for tennis which is so on the nose at the moment and may never recover.
The government has been eagerly aided and abetted by the pathetic Centennial Parklands Trust and its trustees who have got completely confused as to what their brief actually is ... namely protecting the parklands and keeping them safely in trust for people now and in future to enjoy and use freely and naturally.
Goodbye Anzac Parade and Kippax Lake as we know it ...
(screen capture: Fourfourtwo, Sydney Stadium Stuff)
... as we watch this out-of-control-government trash this unique memorial and get ready to clutch their hearts on Anzac Day to feign sorrow and gratitude.
For the benefit of NSW politicians, Background Briefing reminded us that the Anzacs marched down Randwick Road (later renamed to Anzac Parade in their memory) to Circular Quay and were bundled on to ships and off to war some of them never to return to Australia again ...
A sandstone obelisk designed and constructed by the city architect, RH Brodrick, was placed on Anzac Parade in 1917 to serve as a memorial to Diggers who did not return and as a meeting placed for those who did.
Yet even that poignant memorial was not safe from the machinations of a development-addicted government which under the premise of rennovation removed it indefinitely to some back lot of the Roads Department in order to build ...
... an entrance to a car-park ... so very disrepectful.
(Image: 1961 last day of Sydney trams on Anzac Parade, reservation Moore Park; Lindsay Bridge, Flickr)
And to think that if we hadn't got rid of Sydney's trams 55 years ago which we are now putting back at great cost and angst maybe this whole sorry saga might not have taken place ...
Oh we have not been well served by our state representatives ...
... is it time to dispense with such a silly tier of government?
(cross posted to Freedom Cyclist Blog)
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Open letter to Michael Johnsen MP from a Burdekin Park flying fox
Dear Mr Johnsen,
I am here because my traditional home environment is no longer adequate for my needs.
By allowing Big Mine and Big Corpa to mine the Hunter Valley into oblivion, you and your LNP government and other previous NSW state governments have taken away all my 'home' options.
We genuinely do not have a tree to turn to what with Warkworth, Bulga, Jerrys Plains, Mount Thorley, Mount Arthur, Drayton ...
... oh the list goes on, but suffice to say a couple of us have been checking out a spot near the river in Muswellbrook to move to (see top image) although I have to say word has already got out so that's getting pretty chokka too.
Please have a heart, Mr Johnsen and Singleton Shire Residents, you've all been part of our habitat destruction so please think responsibly about a solution to our shared problem.
By allowing Big Mine and Big Corpa to mine the Hunter Valley into oblivion, you and your LNP government and other previous NSW state governments have taken away all my 'home' options.
We genuinely do not have a tree to turn to what with Warkworth, Bulga, Jerrys Plains, Mount Thorley, Mount Arthur, Drayton ...
... oh the list goes on, but suffice to say a couple of us have been checking out a spot near the river in Muswellbrook to move to (see top image) although I have to say word has already got out so that's getting pretty chokka too.
Please have a heart, Mr Johnsen and Singleton Shire Residents, you've all been part of our habitat destruction so please think responsibly about a solution to our shared problem.
Sonar regards,
(Pteropodidae Pteropus)
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
(Sadly while we have coal this clip will always be relevant - I used this last year here)
The following is my submission of objection to the New South Wales government regarding Peabody's proposed expansion (write yours now! ... cut off date tomorrow, March 10 2016)
"That we are still being invited to write submissions on proposed mining extensions in this day and age beggars belief. What part of the climate science and climate change information available in the public domain does the New South Wales government not understand?
Coal is history, and we must look to the post coal economy to find new horizons in terms of employment and viability of NSW's towns, villages, rural and outback communities.
Everything is wrong with Peabody's request to destroy Wollar.
We all understand that they are a company with significant financial problems, and that in a bid to appease their fleeing share-holders they will do what it takes.
Black lung, among many other detrimental health conditions acquired as a result of living and or working near mining projects, has taken hold in our communities and has hit the airwaves - there is no denying the dire medical impacts of mining in terms of miners and the communities that surround mines any longer.
So why should an extension that we all know will make people sick be permitted?
This mining company is questionably 'solvent' ... are they? ... and we have to wonder whether they could actually afford the costs of any catastrophic impact that their work might have on the surrounding environment. Just look at BHP and Samarco and Vale and the shocking devastation that they created, one could say wifully, at the end of last year in Brazil.
This proposal from Peabody must be rejected.
The evidence and empirical data is in on coal mines, and it is dire - no-one is prepared to be deluded any longer.
Just as Salvage Companies back in the 18th and 19th centuries objected to 'Shipping Forecasts' being implemented because they were bad for business as they saved sailors' lives, so the mining companies will squeal and object to their business and business practices being rejected and mothballed.
It is wrong wrong wrong, and you as the government are the trustees of our money and our state, and consequently you do not have my permission to grant this extension to this polluting, fossil fuel, community destroying company.
Shame on you, New South Wales Government, for even wasting our time with this submission process"
Monday, March 7, 2016
Sydney is not happy with its chainsaw-wielding government.
This row of trees among many others (1,277 trees all up including 871 significant and heritage listed trees) is to be wood-chipped into oblivion.
So last Friday on the corner of Anzac Parade and Alison Road,
... a vigil was held for Sydney's trees ...
... to protest against the machinations of politicians too invested in bitumen and construction to be able to see clearly ...
... the havoc that their actions will wreak on this city.
Coordinated protests are set to continue as people from across the city and state come together in an ever-growing snowball as they discover that along with the ruthless planned decimation of our invaluable trees, the actual implementation of the CBD and South East Light Rail is projected to reduce public transport capacity by nearly 70% ...
... as well as ripping up another cycleway ... sigh
Andrew Constance and Mike Baird need to pause and redesign the project so we can:
Save our trees
Save our city
Save our souls
(also cross posted to Freedom Cyclist Blog)
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