
Friday, September 4, 2015

Open blogpost to Michael Johnsen MP member for Upper Hunter on behalf of Animals Australia

(Image: Animals Australia, the voice for animals)

Dear Michael,

If you and your colleagues pass the Biosecurity Bill 2015 into law you will be giving biosecurity officers greater powers to target 'animal-cruelty' investigators than the RSPCA has to protect animals.

Worse still, the maximum penalty under the Bill would be $1.1 million and a 3 year jail term dwarfing any penalties dealt out to those found guilty of serious animal cruelty.

The bill is utterly unconscionable, and how the parents and grandparents amongst you politicians can then face your children and grandchildren after committing such a deed (the passing of the Bill) remains an utter mystery to me. Or don't you plan to tell them about the factory pigs, and the factory hens, and the factory puppys, et al, suffering interminably?

This bill is a betrayal of democracy itself.

Kind regards,

Sue (no-relation-to-tony) Abbott
Scone NSW Australia

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